Kern, Hammerstein
YouTubeThere's an ol' man called the Mississipi
That's the ol' man that I'd like to be
What does he care
If the world gets trouble
What does he care if the land ain't free.
Ol' man river,
That ol' man river
He must know something'
But don't say nothin',
He just keeps rollin'
He keeps on rollin' along.
He don't plant taters,
He don't plant cotton,
An' them that plants 'em
is soon forgotten,
But ol'man river,
He just keeps rollin'along.
You and me, we sweat and strain,
Body all achin' and racked with pain,
Tote that barge!
Lift that bale!
You gets a little drunk
And you lands in jail.
I gets weary
And sick of tryin'
I'm tired of livin'
And scared of dyin',
But ol' man river,
He just keeps rolling' along.
Darkies all work on the Mississippi,
Darkies all work while the white folks play,
Pullin' those boats from the dawn to sunset,
Gittin' no rest till the judgement day.
Don't look up
An' don't look down,
You don't dast make
De white boss frown.
Bend your knees
And bow your head,
And pull that rope
Until you're dead.
Let me go 'way from the Mississippi,
Let me go 'way from the white man boss;
Show me that stream called the river Jordan,
That's the ol' stream that I long to cross.
Ol' man river,
That ol' man river,
He must know something'
But don't say nothin'
He just keeps rollin'
He keeps on rollin' along.
Long ol' river forever keeps rollin' on...
He don't plant taters,
He don't plant cotton,
An' them that plants 'em
Is soon forgotten,
but ol' man river,
He just keeps rollin' along.
Long ol' river keeps hearing that song.
You and me, we sweat and strain,
Body all achin and racked with pain.
Tote that barge!
Lift that bale!
Ya gits a little drunk
An' you land in jail.
I gits weary
And sick of tryin'
I'm tired of livin'
And scared of dyin',
But ol' man river,
He just keeps rollin' along!