Push for PORTER

izquierdaBlow Away The Morning Dewderecha

There was a knight both young and fair,
Came riding o'er the hill,
And he rode out one May morning
To see what he could kill.
Singing blow away the morning dew,
The dew and the dew
Blow away the morning dew

He look-ed high, he look-ed low,
He cast another look;
And there he saw a very pretty maid
Beside the wat'ry brook.

"If you'll take me to my father's house
Which is wall-ed all around,
Then you shall have my pleasures love
And likewise twenty thousand pound."

He mounted on a milk-white steed,
And she upon another;
And so they rode off down the lane
Like sister and like brother,

When they reached her father's house
So nimble she popped in,
And said, "There is a fool without,
And here's a maid within."

My father keeps a rooster
It will not tread a hen
He flaps his wings and cries about
I think you're one of them

So if you meet a pretty girl
As you ride o'er the hill
But if you cannot when you may
You shall not when you will.
Singing blow away the morning dew,
The dew and the dew
Blow away the morning dew,
How sweet the winds do blow.
